Monday, July 2, 2012

One Lovely Blog Award Nomination

I was just nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award from Becky at Preppy Premed. THANKS SO MUCH BECKY!!! Here are my answers to the questionnaire:

What is your favorite dessert?
Anything chocolate.
Really if you're going to go for a dessert it ought to be chocolate. I don't eat alot of desserts (trying to watch that "girlie figure" HAHA), but when I do I head straight for the CHOCOLATE. If we're watching a movie and Jim says "I'm going to get a dessert, what would you like?" I will ALWAYS respond chocolate cake. Heading for the dessert table at the family reunion (coming up at the end of July) I will head straight for the chocolate cupcakes slathered in chocolate frosting. Frappe from McDonald's? It better be chocolate, or better yet, chocolate chocolate chip. It's a good thing Katie recently resurrected the low-fat Double Chocolate Chip brownies from Nestle's Best Ever Cookies book.

What was your favorite pet?
Eeghads this is a hard one. Seriously. There was the dog I grew up with when I was a child--Peaches. I LOVED that dog who was a mixture of border collie and something else. She was the sweetest dog ever!! But now there is dear, dear Maggie. Who always seems to know when I need a little love or understanding and also, the worst time to annoy me!! So after watching Lassie Come Home on TCM last night (that movie always slays me!) my decision not make a decision. Peaches and Maggie you BOTH will always, always, hold dear places in my heart.

What do you prefer to wear, black or white?
This one is easy. I like to definetely wear black in the fall and winter. Black shoes, black purse, black turtleneck, black boots, etc. But in the spring and summer I do go for the crispness and simplicity of white. I LOVE a simple white t-shirt with shorts.

What is your biggest fear?
ohhhhhhh....My biggest fear is not accomplishing all the things in life I set out to accomplish or was supposed to accomplish through God's plan. So I better get going I am fifty.

What is your attitude mostly?
I would say CHIPPER. That's a good way to describe me. Okay, I'm not always chipper. In fact, this last year with my dad dying and American Airline filing for bankrupty, I haven't been chipper 100% of the time, but I really try!!

YUP, coffee helps keep me CHIIPPER!

What is perfection to you?

Well, except your perfect head is cut off, Daniel Craig!

Seriously, though, I think the whole perfection thing is a trap. One I have fallen into many times. Trying to keep furniture, carpenting and all things perfect, when in fact, the things you use never remain perfect. So instead of trying to always attain perfection, I go for what a neighbor once told me a long time ago--90%--and that percentage just may go down as I get older and older...

What is your guilty pleasure?
Oh, this one is an easy one. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese sprinkled with parmesan cheese and oregano accompanied by peas (it makes me feel less guilty) and rounded out with anything chocolate and a great big glass of Merlot.

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