Thursday, April 12, 2012


I desparately need my bangs trimmed. Or is the proper term "fringe?" Yes, I'm one of those dorks who has bangs. Or am I on the upswing of cool? There are actually pretty many famous stars out there who are sporting bangs these days: Taylor Swift, Lea Michele, Zooey Deshanel, Tyra Banks, Penelope Cruz. I guess I'm not alone. According to "bangs are definitely having a moment right now!" Sssshhh I know I'm not a teen.
No this is not's Zooey Deshanel, Silly!
These are the bangs I dream of at night. Thick, tamed, and tinted beautifully. But alas, the minute I step out the door mine frizz and curl sidewards and turn out separating, looking more gothic than fashionable.

This is me a couple of weeks ago. See how they are veering to the left?

Then there are bangs I would NEVER get.

Kind of scary, right?  Well I'm off to make an appointment with my hair stylist...


  1. Oh my gosh, that girl's bangs are SCARY alright! You should take that pic of Zooey Deschanel to your stylist and tell her "this is what I want!"

  2. The funny thing is I've had bangs cut by You-Know-Who that looked like that. My exact words were "could you just take a little off?" and You-Know-Who left me with that!
