Friday, June 1, 2012

Fifty Thank Yous!

The best part of yesterday was the phonecall from Becky from ROME and Katie's Spa Gift.

Apparently Loyola University (in Rome) gave Becky a calling card the first day she was there to call home.....well she planned and saved the minutes to call me on my FIFTIETH birthday....what a gift! It was so good to hear her voice and know she was doing okay and having fun. THANK YOU, BECKY!

Isn't Rome beautiful?

Katie asked Mr. McKinley (her vocal teacher at Edgewood) what she should get me for my FIFTIETH birthday. [Mr. McKinley is such a DEAR man.] He told her he knew of a place that pampers women--Kneaded Relief in Fitchburg. She got me a gift certificate out of her own birthday/graduation money!

Even after how busy she was with graduation, the tableau, practicing piano for state solo ensemble, final exams, homework, keeping up with friends, she took the time to go to this salon and and get me a gift certificate. She went with her friends--Jules and Niall--because she didn't exactly know where the place was. I can just see the three of them checking out the place. Buying me a present--little ole me! And when will I use this FABULOUS gift certificate? I will use it OPENING NIGHT of The 25th Putnam County Spelling Bee. But of course--to look FABULOUS myself and pay tribute to the daughter I love, respect and admire!! Pedicure and manicure--yah, Baby!

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